We visited Seville for the first time with our good friend Ed from RexyEdventures and marveled at Plaza de España which we had discovered during our free walking tour of the city. Built in 1929 by Aníbal González for the Ibero-American Exhibition, a sort of world fair to improve Spain's relationships with other countries, it has a gorgeous red brick style that makes it pop and is complemented by a calm canal that rents rowboats. It's built in a semi-circle structure facing west toward the America's as a gesture of embrace and an offer of apology for Spain's history with South America. The exterior also features small alcoves that represent each province of Spain. If you're a Star Wars fan, you'll be pleased to know that Plaza de España was used as a filming location for Star Wars Episodes I and II for part of the City of Theed. Today, the building is mostly used for government offices.

Check out our latest video featuring the building and for more details about our trip to Seville and other parts of Andalusia including Córdoba and Granada read about our tour of Andalusia in Southern Spain.

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[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SavMxuzaukI]