Interested in advertising with TwoBadTourists? We are looking for quality, travel-related advertisements that will interest our readers and provide them with valuable information. With 45k+ monthly views and more than 70k social media followers, your content will reach a wider audience of readers eager to travel. Download our MEDIA KIT for more information.
Banner Ads: We offer a variety of ad sizes, placement options and scheduling. More info here.
Press Trips: We'll be ambassadors for your destination and promote our trip through blog posts, social media or custom projects. Whether you're a destination or travel brand, we'll work to promote the destination to our readers.
Sponsored Posts: We'll work with your copy editors to write a promotional, travel-related article and we’ll share it with our readers.
Freelance Writing: Writing services for travel related articles and publications.
Product Reviews: If you have a travel related product and are looking for first-hand reviews for publicity, we can try it out and write about our experience.
Giveaways: We’ll publicize your promotions for travel-related prizes, trips and events.
Audience: Our engaged audience enjoys reading about travel and trusts the advice we provide. Our followers look to us for personal recommendations and travel advice. Our highly concentrated LGBT following typically holds a passport and 30% take five trips or more per year. Our audience is affluent with an average salary of $45K+ per year.
Social Media: We have 70k+ followers who interact with us on a regular basis. All our content is promoted with Facebook Twitter, Instagram and Google+ and we communicate daily to our followers. 75% of our audience has been active on social media for more than 2 years and 70% post at least once per day. We have extremely high engagement rates – a true measure of social media influence with 4% on Twitter, 10% on Facebook and 8% on Instagram.
Dedication: We love to travel and are dedicated to provide quality content to our readers. We love sharing our stories on all we have done right and wrong during our adventures. But while we love to be out on the road, we equally enjoy working hard and building a strong relationship with our business partners.
For more information about working with TwoBadTourists, please send us a message to inquire about advertising and collaboration opportunities. You can use the contact form. Additional web traffic and statistics are available upon request.