Visiting Stockholm’s Gay Pride On a Budget

Sweden is one of the most expensive countries of the EU. Yet we managed to make it one of our most cost effective European trips by volunteering at Gay Pride.

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Famous Cities in Germany Worth Exploring

Planning a trip to Germany is well worth the effort. Check out these 4 famous German cities and see what you can discover in this fantastic country.

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The Gayest Weekend in Antwerp, Belgium

As we exited the central train station to step into the city of Antwerp for the first time, we felt immediately wrapped in the colorful embrace of a multitude of rainbow flags. We have been to a fair number of gay pride events over the past two years – four last year and five this year which we later learned was unimpressive compared to the ten plus pride events another American expat living in Germany had attended this year – but we have never seen a city so decked out in rainbows before. You really would have thought Rainbow Brite and her gayer-than-unicorns-sidekick-horse, Starlite, had been hired to decorate the city.

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Wet & Wild Water War at La Batalla Naval

Spain is fond of its festivals and some of the best involve battles. Batalla Naval is a great water fight in the neighborhood of Vallecas outside central Madrid.

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TwoBadTourists Talk: Lisbon’s Gay Pride March

If you recall back in June, we had a campaign going on for our followers to vote on which Gay Pride event to send us. Between London, Paris, Barcelona, and Lisbon, Portugal’s capital city won! We chose these four cities because they were all celebrating their Pride weekends on the same days. Or so […]

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Haro’s Epic Batalla del Vino

Every year on June 29, there’s a battle in Haro, Spain in the region of La Rioja where ed wine is the ammo and white clothing is the un-protective armor.

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TwoBadTourists Talk: Seville’s Plaza de España

When visiting Seville, the Plaza de España is a must see. Take a look at our video featuring the building, some facts, and some fun.

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A Day Trip to Bratislava Slovakia

Check out my day trip from Vienna into Bratislava. Though a lessor known European capital, it’s the main center of Slovakia and well worth a visit.

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Locked Up Luggage and Transit Strikes in Nice

We’ve been fortunate enough in our travels to have never had problems with lost luggage. It wasn’t until Nice that our time finally came!

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Teaching English Abroad: Yes or No?

When we began our round the world trip planning, we knew we wanted to do some work with volunteer organizations which is why we worked at a school and orphanage at Casa Guatemala in Rio Dulce and at a children’s center and a farm for Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa in Ghana, but we’ve always […]

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