5 Things You Didn’t Know About York, England

While planning a trip to England, I asked an English friend what places are worth a visit. York was one of his top recommendations so I decided to make a stop.

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7 Reasons Why You Should Visit Ireland

Discover the best reasons to visit Ireland. Famous for Irish Whiskey, Guinness and rolling green landscapes, this country is definitely worth a visit.

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A Weekend in Toulouse and Carcassonne, France

Passing through the south of France on the way to Paris is the perfect opportunity to visit Toulouse and the nearby fortified city of Carcassonne.

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Going Back to the Middle Ages During ‘Semana Cervantina’

Alcalá de Henares, a small city outside Madrid, offers a chance to step back in time to a medieval market that takes over the streets during Semana Cervantina.

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Surviving My First Week of Teaching English in Spain

I survived my first week as a language assistant teaching English in Spain after a year and a half of not “working” in the traditional sense. But I was anxious!

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3 Warm Winter Destinations & 3 Cool Winter Activities

As winter will be quickly approaching in the coming months, I’ve already put on my winter thinking cap for travel plans and activities during the cold months.

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Will I Meet the Challenge of Teaching?

I begin my new job as an English teaching assistant next month. The anticipation has me wondering if this something I’ll be good at and enjoy or totally regret.

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Antwerp’s “To Russia With Love” Kiss In

Auston and I have never been huge gay rights activists though we have plenty of friends who take on that role and some who are even employed in that area of work. To them, and to all the countless others that we don’t know personally, we are of course eternally grateful for the work they do. We and the rest of the LGBT community directly benefit from their hard efforts. However, I’ve just never been innately passionate about it. It’s odd I suppose since it directly affects me, but it’s the same for many others. Just because you’re woman, or a minority, or an immigrant doesn’t mean you’re working day and night for your specific rights even though you clearly need and benefit from them. We all take on different passions, hobbies, works and activities. And we support one another when necessary.

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Spain’s La Tomatina: Tips for All Those Tomatoes

Read valuable tips from our experience at La Tomatina – the annual festival and tomato fight each summer near Valencia Spain.

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Visiting Antwerp By Bike

Antwerp is quite bike-friendly so we took that fact as an opportunity to explore the city by Velo bike. Even better, we signed up entirely via smartphone!

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