Getting from Mexico City to Antigua is only a 28 hour endeavor on 3 buses. It's about as luxurious and entertaining as it sounds. The first leg of the trip was a 22 hour bus ride from Mexico City to Tapachula, Mexico which is right by the Guatemalan border. If you've never heard of Tapachula, it's because there's nothing to talk about. It's literally just a pit stop on everyone's way to somewhere else.

But after a night there, we woke up early for our next 5 hour bus ride into Guatemala City. We were warned that this place would be nothing special. They were right. Granted we only spent 3 hours there. But we were anxious to get to Antigua. A quick one hour bus ride outside of Guatemala city.

Antigua is really nothing like I expected. In a good way. It's a small city surrounded by a gorgeous terrain. It's really a gem in the mountains. Actually, I believe most of the “mountains” we're seeing are volcanoes. Not a fact I was pleased to hear. Especially since one or more of them is active. I don't know much about volcanoes, but I know I don't care for lava spewing down a mountainside.

Nonetheless, we certainly enjoyed hiking up one of them. We just couldn't miss an opportunity like that. But most of our week here has been spent once again in spanish classes. Monday-Friday. 9am-12pm. One on one classes. Antigua is known for the many spanish schools here. So we should hopefully be learning a lot this week!

Now we are leaving Antigua today and heading to Semuc Champey on our way to Rio Dulce!

Here are some pictures from our time in Antigua.

(click to see all)