How to Apply for a Spanish Residency Visa and Move to Spain

How to apply for a long term or long stay Spanish Residency Visa. Tips on how to move to Spain with a non lucrative Spanish Visa.

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Running a Half Marathon 5 Years After Cancer

Five years ago I found a malignant tumor in my thigh. After treatment, it’s now behind me and I can focus on achieving my goals – like running a half marathon!

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Wuppertal: Where an Elephant Rode the Monorail (Unsuccessfully)

We recently visited Wuppertal to ride its 100 year old monorail, but that’s not the only interesting fact about this train. Ever heard of the elephant incident?

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A Look into the Art Scene of Düsseldorf

Taking a peak into the artistic offerings of Düsseldorf we found human-size spiderwebs suspensions, rooms upon rooms of opera costumes, and plenty more!

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Düsseldorf’s Carnival: Drag Queens, Costumes, and Parades!

Carnival in Dusseldorf? Think: lip-syncing drag queens, elaborate floats, every type of costumes, and the all exhilaration that is the celebration of Carnival.

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Two Days in Rothenburg Germany

Rothenburg is one of the few medieval towns in Germany not destroyed during the war. Here are the top sights during a 2 day visit to this small town in Bavaria.

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Celebrating the Holiday Spirit in Basel, Switzerland

Located at the intersections of France, Germany, & Switzerland, Basel is an easy visit & not as expensive as its other Swiss counterparts, Zürich & Geneva!

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New Years Eve Traditions From the Americas to Europe

The past 2 years we’ve been celebrating New Years Eve outside the United States. See what fun New Years Eve traditions we’ve picked up from around the globe.

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TwoBadTourists Talk: Day Trip to Toledo, Spain!

Check out the latest TwoBadTourists talk where we take you through the streets of Toledo from Plaza de Zocodover to the Jewish Quarter to the Tajo River.

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How the Apostle Paul Got in the Way of My Spanish Visa

Visas can be a smooth process or a big pain in the ass. It was no surprise to me that my Spanish visa was anything but simple!

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