After the wine debaucheries of the previous day in Mendoza, we woke up the next morning needing strong coffee in order to catch up on some blog work. We went to cafe near the tourist area of Plaza Independencia. We sat at a table for four inside the cafe and Auston placed his backpack on the empty seat next to him. We ordered coffees and then reached for our computers to use the wifi. This is when Auston realized his backpack was gone. We looked all over the cafe but it was nowhere to be found. Someone had so stealthily snatched his bag that we couldn't even believe it happened. It had been right next to him and no one but our server had come up to our table.
We assume it was a crime of opportunity and that his bag probably fell onto the floor allowing another customer behind him to easily pick it up on their way out the door. Well with his bag went his netbook so we went directly to the police station to report it. Thankfully travel insurance reimbursed him for it and nothing else of value had been taken.

We made sure to be back for the much needed free wine at the hostel that evening. Then we treated ourselves to a dinner out. Acknowledging that we still hadn't enjoyed an Argentinean steak after having been in the country for ten days, it was time to try it out. We picked a restaurant that had decent prices, but perhaps we should spent a bit more on our steaks. They were subpar and just didn't meet our expectations. Oh well. We're not big steak eaters anyway, but I did love the mashed pumpkin!

For our last afternoon in Mendoza it was time for an intellectual day in an attempt to rouse those brain cells still in a wine-induced coma. Unfortunately, Ed led us to Museo Historico General San Martin, a terribly unstimulating, tiny history museum that put my brain right back to sleep. At this point, we felt we had seen all Mendoza had to offer and we were ready to be off on our overnight bus that evening to Cordoba, Argentina.

Photos from Mendoza here!
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