Over the past 5 years we’ve traveled the world and met some amazing people on the road and online via social media. Some people’s stories have been so interesting and inspiring that we decided to interview them and learn more about their life. We love hearing travel stories and one blogger that’s caught our eye for the past couple years is Ben, who blogs over at High Society Hobo.

Ben is a travel blogger and digital nomad that has spent the past few years living and traveling aboard to far-off destinations. His blog chronicles his journey across the globe and we enjoy the stories and insights he provides – especially from destinations we’ve never visited. Ben is one of the lucky few that’s been able to manage travel indefinitely while supporting himself on the road. As an attorney with a background in international business, he recently setup a business called Nomad at Law to help support himself while living and traveling abroad. He decided to create the business because he’s met so many people over the years that need honest and affordable legal help including travelers, freelancers and small businesses.

We had the chance to chat with Ben and thought we’d share some of his personal thoughts and experiences. In the meantime, you can follow Ben on his blog, Instagram or Twitter …

Question: What’s on your bucket list for 2017?

My main goal for 2017 is find a city to “settle down” in. Not a forever thing, but I’ve been moving a lot in the last two years and I would like to have a base. That said, South Korea, Bali, Japan, Australia and New Zealand are all on my list for the next year, as is Eastern Europe.

Question: What’s your least favorite thing about travel?

Exhaustion and mixing up exchange rates. Moving around a lot is tiring – not matter how much I enjoy it. The exhaustion leads to frustration sometimes and mixing up exchange rates, like when I accidentally spent $50 USD on chocolate in Hong Kong (thinking I was spending only $15).

Question: Can you name one way travel has changed your life?

It’s hard to name just one way because there are so many. I grew up on a farm in rural Missouri, I never imagined that I would ever be able to leave the US much less travel as much as I have. I guess travel has made me want more travel, more adventures and to make more connections across the world.

Question: What’s your most embarrassing travel memory?

I was at the food market outside of a (primarily) Taiwanese tourist attraction in the central highlands (QingJing Farm). It was cold and rainy and I was miserable so I sought refuge in the little food market outside. I was the only westerner there, which caused a lot of attention. I caused even more attention when I tried to sit down, missed the stool, stumbled backwards and fell down, taking out a few others (and their food) with me.

Question: Can you give one tip for anyone hesitant to travel or who thinks they don’t have the ability?

Travel can be challenging, but if I can do it, anyone can. I was nervous myself the first time, so I booked what I’ll call a semi-independent small tour in Costa Rica. The company arranged all the accommodation and local transportation. There were a couple of included group activities, but it wasn’t one of those highly scripted tours where you and 50 others show up on a bus and follow the little red umbrella while a guide does all the talking. There were 10 of us total, we would show up in a town, check into the hotel, get a 30-minute orientation walk around town and then we were free to do what we liked for the next two days. It was great, plenty of freedom with a little safety net. It was the perfect way to spark my wanderlust.

Being a digital nomad can be exhausting and challenging. We give kudos to Ben for being able to live his dream and support himself on the road. Before becoming a travel blogger, Ben worked as an attorney in in the United States. With his past experience, he recently decided to start his own legal practice, Nomad at Law – a virtual law firm focusing on travelers, freelancers and small businesses. Be sure to follow Ben on his blog, Instagram or Twitter – and definitely get in touch if you’re in search of legal advice – we absolutely recommend his services.